• To Opened Heart (ACa)
A Corazón abierto

What does it mean Being Human and how much does it take living To Opened Heart?

To Opened Heart (ACa) is a group space destined to women and men where to deepen in oneself.

It ́s conceived to amplify consciousness over oneself through a conscious body training.

It uses the danced expression, the intensification of muscular consciousness, mindfulness and sensory memory as resources to take over the proposed themes while using long and flared skirts.

The basis that sustain the work and its poetic sense it’s called FlowDynamics.

ACa is a space where you can transform how you conceive your Self and therefore transform the world around you.

To Opened Heart (ACa) actively participates in the social innovation project that FaldAlas is.

ACa is the hunger of the Self to dance the Eternity.

A personal dance between Earth and Sky.

Taking the strength from my ancestors and revealing the Essence that I am.

ACa is the fire in the soul that embodies your personal legend.

A Corazón abierto

“… of being something, I am a will of permanent pleasure in an impermanent body.”