Become an ACa Facilitator

To Opened Hearted (ACa) is a place where a group of people travel to their insights in an individual way. It requires of a trained facilitator to guide the journey. With the instructor´s ACa training you will learn about the nature of this space and about the indispensable attitude, perspective and knowledge you need to nourish in order to sustain the ACas successfully.

ACa is a format with a clear structure and protocol that allows the unfoldment of the information that everyone has in within and the structure of it efficiently.

Being an ACa facilitator supposes to recognize your own singularity and being ready to put it into practice.


  • It´s indispensable having participated in the FlowDynamics Cycle to its fullest experience (9 modules).
  • It will be considered the assistance in some residential or holidays courses where there will be special time focused on those who wish to realize the training.
  • It will be required a resume where we see you count with some sort of body training, meditative experience and knowledge in leading groups.

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You can put yourself in contact with us to receive more information.

Formación Luchy López

“The ACa facilitator shines from his/her Personal Legend so that others get to shine from their own.”